The State of Web Development in 2024: A Deep Dive

The State of Web Development in 2024: A Deep Dive
Photo by Nathan da Silva / Unsplash

Hey there, fellow developers and tech enthusiasts 👋🏾 It's been a whirlwind year in web development, and I've been itching to share my thoughts on all the changes we've seen. Grab a coffee (or your beverage of choice), because we're about to take a deep dive into the current landscape of web development.

The AI Revolution in Coding

Let's start with what I consider the biggest game-changer: AI co-pilots. I've been using these in my recent projects, and I can't overstate how transformative they are. For instance, in my latest project using React and Next.js, I was working on a custom hook called useOptimistic. The AI suggested the entire code snippet, missing only a minor default case which was easy to add.

The real power of these AI tools isn't just in writing code faster; it's in how they allow us to think at a higher level of abstraction. We can focus more on the architecture and overall design of our applications, while the AI handles many of the lower-level details.

TypeScript: The New Standard

Remember when TypeScript was just a "nice to have"? Those days are long gone. In the React ecosystem especially, TypeScript has become practically mandatory. I spent a couple of months last year really diving deep into TypeScript, and while there was definitely a learning curve, the benefits are undeniable.

One thing I've noticed is that you don't always need to explicitly define types. TypeScript's inference capabilities are pretty impressive. However, understanding concepts like generics is crucial, especially when you're creating custom hooks in React.

The Tailwind CSS Takeover

Tailwind CSS has taken the styling world by storm. It's now the default in Next.js, and I believe it's set to become the standard way of styling websites and web apps. The utility-first approach has changed how I think about CSS entirely.

If you haven't tried Tailwind yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot. The learning curve isn't as steep as you might think, and the productivity gains are significant once you get used to it.

Next.js: The Full-Stack Framework of Choice

Next.js has truly come into its own with the release of the app router. This isn't just an incremental update; it's a fundamental shift in how we build React applications. The introduction of server components and server actions is, in my opinion, the biggest innovation in the React ecosystem in years.

Server Components

Server components allow us to render components on the server, reducing the amount of JavaScript sent to the client. This can lead to significant performance improvements, especially for data-heavy applications.

Server Actions

Server actions are a game-changer for handling form submissions and other data mutations. Instead of setting up separate API routes, we can now write server-side logic right alongside our components. This tighter integration between frontend and backend is making full-stack development more accessible than ever.

The Rise of Full-Stack Development

Speaking of full-stack development, I'm seeing a clear trend towards developers working across the entire stack. Frameworks like Next.js are blurring the lines between frontend and backend, making it easier for developers to handle both sides of the equation.

This doesn't mean specialized roles are disappearing, but I do think it's becoming increasingly valuable for developers to have a good understanding of both frontend and backend concepts.

Beyond React: The Framework Landscape

While React remains incredibly popular, it's worth noting that there are other excellent options out there:

  • Angular, backed by Google, remains a strong choice, especially in enterprise environments.
  • Vue.js, with its gentle learning curve, continues to be a favorite for many developers.
  • Svelte, with its compile-time approach, is gaining traction for its performance and developer experience.

Each of these frameworks has its own full-stack solution:

  • Next.js for React
  • Nuxt for Vue
  • Angular Universal for Angular
  • SvelteKit for Svelte

The choice of framework often comes down to personal preference and project requirements, but it's good to be aware of the options.

Backend Development: The Node.js Dominance and Beyond

On the backend side, Node.js continues to be incredibly popular, largely due to the ability to use JavaScript across the entire stack. Express and NestJS are common choices for building Node.js backends.

However, it's worth noting that other languages and frameworks are still very much in play:

  • PHP, especially in the WordPress ecosystem, with Laravel as a popular framework
  • Python, which has seen a surge in popularity due to its use in data science and AI, with Django as a robust web framework
  • Java, still a staple in enterprise environments, with Spring as a powerful framework
  • Ruby, with Ruby on Rails maintaining a dedicated following
  • Go, which I'm seeing more and more in backend services

The Database Dilemma: SQL vs NoSQL

The old debate between SQL and NoSQL databases has become less relevant thanks to ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers) like Prisma. These tools abstract away many of the differences between database types, allowing developers to work with a consistent API regardless of the underlying database.

That said, I've been really impressed with SQLite lately. Its simplicity and the fact that it's just a file make it incredibly easy to work with during development. However, it's worth noting that SQLite isn't always suitable for production, especially in serverless environments where file system access is limited.

For production, I often find myself using hosted database services. Supabase (PostgreSQL), Firebase, and even Vercel's own database offering are all solid choices that can save you the headache of managing your own database infrastructure.

The Ecosystem: Tools That Make Life Easier

Beyond the core technologies, there's a rich ecosystem of tools that can significantly improve your development workflow:

Shadcn UI

Shadcn UI has exploded in popularity over the past year, and for good reason. Unlike traditional component libraries, Shadcn UI provides the source code for its components, allowing for deep customization. It's built on top of Radix UI, which handles a lot of the complex accessibility considerations.


Data validation is crucial, especially when dealing with user input. Zod has become my go-to solution for this. It's type-safe, easy to use, and works great with TypeScript.

React Hook Form

For form management, React Hook Form is hard to beat. It makes handling form state, validation, and submission a breeze. Combined with Zod for validation, it's a powerful duo.

Framer Motion

When it comes to animations, Framer Motion is my tool of choice. It provides a simple API for creating complex animations, and it integrates seamlessly with React.


Authentication is one area where I often recommend third-party solutions. While NextAuth is a popular open-source option, I've been impressed with Kinde lately. It offers a great developer experience and takes care of a lot of the security considerations for you.


For handling payments, Stripe remains the go-to solution for most developers. However, it's worth keeping an eye on new offerings, like Kinde's upcoming payment solution, which promises tighter integration with user management.

Hosting and Deployment

When it comes to hosting, especially for Next.js applications, Vercel is hard to beat. Their integration with Next.js is seamless, and they offer a great developer experience. That said, Netlify is still a strong contender, and it's always worth comparing options for your specific needs.

Mobile App Development

While we've focused mainly on web development, it's worth touching on mobile app development. Tools like AppMySite are making it easier than ever to convert web applications into mobile apps. For those wanting more control, React Native with Expo continues to be a popular choice for cross-platform mobile development.

Version Control and Collaboration

Git and GitHub remain the standard for version control and code collaboration. However, it's worth familiarizing yourself with GitLab and other alternatives, as you may encounter them in different work environments.

Wrapping Up: The Path Forward

Whew! That was a lot to cover, but I hope it gives you a comprehensive view of where web development stands in 2024. The field is evolving rapidly, and it can feel overwhelming at times. But remember, you don't need to master everything at once.

If you're just starting out, focus on the fundamentals: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then, pick a framework (I'd recommend React with Next.js) and start building. The best way to learn is by doing.

For experienced developers, stay curious and keep learning. Whether it's diving deeper into TypeScript, exploring server components in Next.js, or getting to grips with AI-assisted coding, there's always something new to discover.

Remember, the goal isn't to know everything, but to be adaptable and to know where to find the information you need when you need it.

What are your thoughts on the current state of web development? Are you excited about these changes, or do you find them challenging? What technologies are you most interested in exploring? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time, happy coding! 🧑🏾‍💻